Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Operation: Sleep is My BFF - Night 2

Staying creative with my experiment titles will keep me motivated!  (...at least this is what I tell myself)

I know that it is only the second night, but I think I can do this...

Night Two Stats (November 22, 2010):

Time attempted to sleep:   12:15am
Last glance at clock:   12:38am
# of times waking up before alarm:   0
# of times hitting snooze:   1 (that I can remember, [PW] would beg to differ)
Get up time:   4:31am  (Getting better!)
Work start time:   5:30am
Work Energy Level (Scale 1-5):   Early shift, 2.5.   Tail end, 3.
Post-work Energy Level (Scale 1-5):   3.   Started off okay, but I hit traffic again.  :(  I didn't realize how tired I was until I took a 2 hour nap around 4pm.  That isn't gonna be helpful when I'm trying to force myself to sleep tonight.  Damn.
Caffeine Log:   1, Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso at 7am & 1, 12oz Coca-Cola at 2:30pm.

I left home at 5:00am, so I didn't make it outta the house in time to pick up Starbucks, but at least I had my trusty Starbucks Doubleshot handy!  Those things are clutch! :)

Forcing myself to sleep early may be a mistake.  I find myself stressing out about falling asleep vs. putting myself in a relaxing state to make falling asleep easier.  Maybe I'll try gradually get ready for bed earlier each day?   I'm trying to jump in with both feet here, but what I may need to do is just ease my way in and acclimate!

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."  --Tom Robbins


xiumaiyuki said...

Hey you!!

Just checking in to say hi and Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sorry to hear you're having a hard time falling asleep. Must be the age thing 'cause I'm going thru the same thing most nights.


eds said...

Hey! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Yeah, I've always been a night creature.. ever since childhood! Just running an experiment to see if I can re-program myself.. LOL! I miss you! We MUST get together to catch up soon!