Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"In the Weeds"


"In the weeds"
-restaurant slang meaning that a server is so swamped with duties that he/she is "lost in the weeds" and can't possibly do all the work.
-a colloquial expression used when persons are near or beyond their capacity to handle a situation or cannot catch up. Struggling. Very busy. (taken from the Glossary of Restaurant Industry Terms)

Yeah. That pretty much describes my entire adult LIFE...

Can I just tell you that there are so many things that I need to get done, but I have NO IDEA where to start...

I need to steam the carpets.
Wally needs a bath and a vet appointment.
I still need to send out wedding Thank You cards (over 1 year LATE!!).
I still need to MAKE my wedding Thank You cards!
I still have to pick up my wedding video!
My old car needs to get donated.
I have to take my car in for maintenance and repairs.
We need to fix/replace the fridge.
Still haven't sent my Christmas presents back home to my family.
I need to write choreography for our winter guard show.
Gotta file my taxes.
It's time to renew my car insurance.
Need to start studying for my NCTMB certification exam.
Need to do laundry.

...and the list goes on. *sigh*

Now, when you're "weeded" at work, your only option is to hustle and get shit done. Granted there are days when I am fully in the weeds and I am one bitchy customer away from walking out the front door saying "Fuck this bullshit," but for the most part, I end up surviving another day at work... and I come back to work the next day to put myself through the whole damn thing all over again (I'm delusional, I know)!

Now, bringing that mentality to "real life" isn't as simple as it should be.  I'm kinda in that "paralysis by analysis" mode.. I'm thinking too much about what needs to be done and I'm so overwhelmed that I end up doing absolutely NOTHING.

I mean, seriously... how the heck did we get here?!?

How did we get from the days of hoping for rollerblades for Christmas, to putting together a budget for how much we're gonna spend on Christmas gifts this year? What happened to looking forward to summer break, instead of looking forward to a break --period? And when did "saving for a rainy day" turn into "saving for a down payment on a house" or "saving to start a family?"

Somehow the days keep flying by, the "To Do List" keeps getting longer, and the income goes faster than it comes.

Yes, I am DEFINITELY in the weeds...

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