I have been in an indecisive slump. I currently have 5 unfinished posts, and I no longer have the passion for the chosen topics to be able to complete it. There are also numerous topics of interest swimming around in my head, but I cannot commit to expressing them to my curious audience. Yes, maybe I will one day.. But until then, I have decided that: Something's better than Nothing.
I figured that I would just type. Type until Something becomes more than Nothing. I may just be super lazy, or I could be caught up in real, non-blogged life? Either way, over the past 3 years, my blog and I have been having some major communication issues.
Speaking of Something's... (drum roll, please)
I have entered into the final year of the "twenty-something" life. *sigh*
twenty-somethings:A specific demographic group, those aged 20-29. Often Obama supporters, heavy drinkers, users of urbandictionary.com, students, servers, bartenders, clubgoers, in massive debt yet still optimistic, and believe that they can change the world if they just work together (until they reach the threshold age of 30, when 98% of people realize the futility of their causes).(taken from www.urbandictionary.com)
Hmm. After reading that, it's kinda hard to decide whether I'm excited to move on from that twenty-something life, or if I'm dreading entering the cynicism of the 30's?
Attempting to cope with thirty-something coming around the corner, and at the same time, finding comfort in appreciating and leaving my twenty-something life, I came across this:
After years of expensive educationa car full of books, and anticipationI'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lotbut the world don't needs scholars as much as I thoughtMaybe I'll go traveling for a year,finding myself, or start a careerI could work with the poor, though I'm hungry for famewe all seem so different, but we're just the sameMaybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fatall things are easy, with a tight six-packwho knows the answer, who do you trustI can't even separate love from lustMaybe I'll move back home, and pay off my loans,working nine to five, answering phonesDon't make me live for my Friday nights,drinking eight pints and getting into fightsI don't want to get up, just let me lie inLeave me alone, I'm a twentysomethingMaybe I'll just fall in love, that could solve it all,philosophers say that that's enoughthere surely must be more, oohLove ain't the answer, nor is workThe truth deludes me so much it hurts,but I'm still having fun and I guess that's the key,I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep bein' me
Apparently, there's a fucking song for everything...
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