Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What a Difference 10 Days Makes...

. . . As of yesterday morning, Day 10, Class 10 of my 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge is complete!

Although it has only been 10 days, it has been quite a journey so far.
I am happy to say that I am well on track to achieving my 4 Goals...

1. Routine:

My insomniac tendencies have been kept at bay.  Waking up at 4:20am every morning has quickly made an impact on that.  Unfortunately, my narcoleptic tendencies are still at large (Those naps are so damn tempting!!).

2. Flexibilty:

I have my good days, and I have my bad days.  I am learning that your body is different every day.  Sometimes I am able to put my forehead to my knee, and other days I'm struggling to grab my foot!  Either way, gaining flexibility is something that takes time.  I'm working on it...

3. Weight Maintenance:

It's kinda hard to tell if I'm losing weight, but I do know that I don't feel like I am gaining weight?  :)  I also feel less bloated, stronger, and I am starting to love the feeling of tight muscles.

4. Personal Sense of Achievement:

Come on, now... Waking up at 4-something in the morning, EVERY DAY for 10 DAYS in a row??  For me, that's a pretty fricken' amazing achievement in itself!

There are a few other unexpected's happening...

+My cravings are being curbed.
I normally enjoy french fries on a daily basis.. almost daily.  (Gross, right??)  Ever since I began this challenge, I've eaten fries probably twice-- Without even trying!!  That's odd for me.  *sigh*  I kinda miss my french fries...

+Caffeine intake has gone down.
That's a good thing.  Both for my body and my wallet :)  I haven't been taking advantage of my "treat receipt" at Starbucks by going back for a second trip after 2PM, and my headaches are less severe.

+More energy.
I definitely feel less sluggish.  That fact that my body is getting used to a schedule is probably a contributing factor :)

+My appetite has gone HAYWIRE!
This could be a combination of my increased activity, combined with my monthly-female-you-know-what paying me a visit soon.  But I am constantly hungry and constantly thinking about what I want to eat next!  Oooh... Cinnabon sounds SOOO good right now!  I wonder if I have time to pick one up before work... ??

So there you have it.  I am 1/3 of the way there, and already starting to experience some changes in my body.  Definitely looking forward to seeing the progress at the 2/3 point.

As a 1/3 of the way reward / motivation to make it all the way to the end, I bought myself a new mat:  Breathe  I LOVE IT :)

... and next time I'll tell you about some "characters" at my 5:30am class.  It's interesting...

Monday, September 21, 2009

My dearest blogspot...


We have always had an honest and trustworthy relationship, so I want to be upfront with you.
I've been spending a lot of time with a new friend.

His name is Tumblr.

I have no intentions of replacing you, blogspot.  You are definitely still my #1.  You waited for me, even when I wasn't ready.  You were a constant, even when I was flighty.  I appreciate the relationship that we have, and it's something I want to share with others... especially Tumblr.

Please don't be upset with me.  I'm doing this for us.
I think that this new development can bring us closer together.

I can understand your hesitation.  But I know that once you meet Tumblr, you'll see all the great things I see in him. One day I hope that all 3 of us can become really good friends.

edlynizms.blogspot.com , meet edlynizms.tumblr.com

I truly believe this is going to be a match made in heaven :)

*  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  * +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *  +  *

...on a side note: Day3, Class3 of my Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge is complete...  Yay!  :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are you...

... in need of a "feel good" moment?

... thinking that you just might be as good at what you do, as you think you are, but you're too scared to take that leap of faith?

... feeling as if you have a great talent, or a passion for something SO amazing, that you just want to share it with the world?

... feeling as if it's too late to pursue something you truly love?

... looking for something to inspire you to do great things?

I think I just might have what you're looking for right here:

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

I'll admit... I have a soft spot in my heart for The Wonder Years (one of the greatest TV shows EVER!!). So for me:

this display of passion
a handful of nostalgia

=  a "feel good" moment that I plan to keep in my pocket for rainy days :)

What a great way to start my 30 Day Challenge!
...and by the way, today I completed Day 2, Class 2 of The Challenge!  Yay me :)


I have been moved.
I'm moving....
I am on the move...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Namaste, ya'll...

This morning, I completed my first class of my 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge... *whew*

I am not a beginner to Bikram Yoga.
Actually, I've been taking classes here and there for the past 3 years.
I have never been able to discipline myself to make it a habit... and I should have.

For ya'll who don't know what Bikram Yoga is, allow me to copy and paste a spiel from one of my favorite sources:  Wikipedia :)

Bikram, or hot yoga, is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room, which is usually maintained at a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Yoga at this temperature promotes profuse sweating, which is believed to help rid the body of toxins. It also keeps the body very warm, and therefore more flexible.

There are many benefits of practicing Bikram Yoga, and different people have their own personal reasons for putting themselves through this "torture chamber."

I have decided to share a few things that I hope to achieve from completing this 30 Day Challenge:

  • Routine
I consider myself to have insomniac tendencies.  I blame it on [Kuya ].  He is definitely an insomniac.  Me? I only have tendencies.  Sometimes I just can't force myself to sleep.  And other times I can knock out for hours.  Or fall asleep in the middle of the day.  Wow.  I may have narcoleptic tendencies, too.  Crap.  Even more so, my body needs a routine.  I'm hoping that going to yoga every morning will help mold my body into the routine it so craves.

  • Flexibility
So, I used to dance.  (I'm not gonna say that I used to be a dancer, 'cause I believe that I still am a dancer at heart, it's just unfortunate that I have been outta practice for awhile)  Being outta practice, you start to lose things- like your flexibility.  It sucks.  Getting older makes you realize these things.  I plan to start dancing again, so I'm using this challenge to help regain some of that flexibility.

  • Weight Maintenence
Notice I didn't say weight loss.  Not that I wouldn't mind losing some pounds, but that isn't my main focus.  I'll just say it:  I love food.  I do believe that one can find happiness in french fries and cheese and coffee.  I want to be able to enjoy the foods that I love, and not have to worry about being overweight because of it.  I have come to terms (for the most part) with my curves, and I am no longer ashamed of them.  I just don't want to add to them.  :P

Besides, I just bought 2 pairs of Super Skinny jeans from American Eagle, and I want to be able to fit into them whenever I feel like wearing them!  Haaa...

  • Personal Sense of Achievement
What can I say?  I am a competitor at heart.  My greatest challenge will be overcoming myself.  It takes a lot of mental strength to force myself to sleep early, AND to force myself to wake up early so that I can squeeze in a class before work.  I want to believe that my will is as strong as I know it is.  I almost feel as if doing this will remind me that I have the mental capacity to do anything I set my mind to.  Sounds kinda cheesy, right?

Fortunately, I have an accountability partner, [Japapino].  Hooray!  He has happily agreed to embark on this journey with me.  Hopefully we can keep each other in check and make it to the finish line together..

So here are the details of the Challenge:

  • All participants need to complete 30 classes in 30 days, starting the first class attended between September 19-21 (I started today, the 19th).
  • All participants may complete up to 2 classes per day to make up missed classes, or classes that you will miss.
  • There is a mid-term.  To continue the Challenge and to bypass the mid-term, participants must have 14 classes completed by the end of the 15th day.  If you don't have 14 classes, you have to pass a mid-term, which is rumored to be DIFFICULT.  *Yikes*

Here's MY challenge:

[PW ] and I leave for our Honeymoon / 1st Year Anniversary trip on October 15th...
Which means I gotta double up classes on 4 days... CRAP.

Ha.  I'll keep you posted.  Namaste, ya'll...

Friday, September 04, 2009

Fly Like an Eagle

[photo credit: Carl Chapman ]

"Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated, we are no longer survivors, but adventurers."

David McNally
Even Eagles Need a Push

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Previously, on edlyn-izms...

Before Twitter... Before Facebook... Even Before MySpace...

There was Friendster.

And I not only had a Friendster profile, but I also had a BLOG.  (Which I happened to stumble upon earlier today.  Lucky you.)

Now... I wasn't any better at blogging THEN as I am NOW, but looking back at your "old self" is always amusing.

The views expressed in the following "Blast from the Past" does not necessarily reflect the current opinions of Yours Truly.  

Thank you, and enjoy the show :)

Life In “Paradise”

June 15th, 2005 by edlyn-izms

I’m usually never one to publish my thoughts for anyone and everyone to read, but I figure that this would serve as my own personal sounding board as well as a good outlet for me… :) 

As many of you know, I have been living in Oahu, Hawaii for the past 4 years.  A common question that everyone tends to ask me is "So how do you like living in Hawaii?"  Like any place, Hawaii has its pros and cons:


  1. Beautiful weather!
  2. Great culture and ethnic pride!
  3. Local people are friendly!
  4. Always a live band playing somewhere…
  5. Beaches are beautiful, & the water is warm!
  6. Good Music!
  7. Great food!
  8. Malasadas!


  1. Sometimes too damn hot/humid!
  2. People don’t know how to friggin’ drive!
  3. Cost of living can be high (gallon of milk is $8!)
  4. Cockroaches, cane spiders and other tropical bugs…
  5. Kinda limited on the shopping scene…
  6. No real road trips on an island! :(
  7. Anytime you wanna travel, a ticket anywhere is @ least $400.
  8. I miss my family :(

Most people who come to visit only get to experience the "pros" and think I’m crazy when I’m not jumping up and down screaming how much I love it, but once you have to drive in traffic all day, everyday behind people whoDO NOT know how to drive–MAN!  You will understand what I mean!

Who knows… I may or may not move back to the BAY–it depends.  Peter says that he doesn’t mind moving cuz he’s sick of this place anyways, but I wouldn’t want to take him away from his family.  The main thing that I miss about home is my family… my nephews are getting bigger and my other cousins are all pro-creating.  I feel like I’m missing out on everything.  If I could work an extra $400-$500 into my budget for flying home every month, then I would!

Anyways… I’ve rambled on enough!  We’ll see how long I keep this BLOG thing up!  Until next time…


It's been over 4 years since that post, and obviously my views have changed.  For the most part.

But I'll leave that for another time...

Haven't Given Up...

...on my dreams.

Trying my best to love what I do, 
while I am doing what is necessary to do what I love... 

Home is where the <3 is...

...so it's been said.

This week marks 8 years since I left my childhood home in The Bay to brave "independent life" here in Hawai'i.

I'm still alive.
I'm not (completely) broke.
...and I'm actually pretty happy.

Actually, it's been pretty fricken amazing...

This is one of those situations that, in hindsight, baffles me.  I can't believe I did it.  I can't believe that the person that I was at 21yrs old, had the will to make something like this happen.  The person that I am NOW, yes.  But the Eds-of-old??  How the heck??

You don't understand.  I lived a very comfortable life in my childhood home.  I didn't pay rent.  I had a car to drive. Granted, it wasn't my own, and it was never the most luxurious.. but it was still a means of transportation.  My mom cooked.  My brother, affectionately known as [Kuya], paid for school- and everything else that I needed.  I had a job after high school, but it was just for spending money.

Yes, I was spoiled- No... I was VERY BLESSED.

But I was NOT a brat.  I was (and STILL am) thankful for everything I had, especially since we didn't ALWAYS live comfortably.  Yes, there was a dark era.. but I won't talk about that.

So why did I leave my worry-free, laid back life at home?

I needed out.  I needed independence.  I needed to figure out who I really was.  There's the "me" that everyone has always known "me" to be... but maybe I was just slipping into that role?  Because it was comfortable to be what everyone expected you to be.

So I did the most out-of-character thing I could do:  I left.
It wasn't enough to just move out of my childhood home.  Moving out of the Bay Area wasn't enough either.  Staying in California meant that home would only be a drive away.  I couldn't have that temptation within reach.  

It was October 2000, and I was actually sitting at a football game when I decided where I would move.  I used to dance for SJSU, and we had a Home game where we played against UH...  (The sad thing was, the visitor side had WAYYY more fans than our side!)  But as I was sitting there, the thought popped into my mind:

"What if I just picked up and moved to Hawai'i?"

It was probably a few months before ANYONE took me seriously.  It wasn't until I kept telling everyone "I'm leaving in August," that my mom and [Kuya] finally realized, Holy crap, she's really gonna leave!

[Kuya] later confessed that there were bets going... for how long I would last before I packed up and moved back home.  He told me "I have the highest bid.  I gave you 2 years.  Prove me wrong."

8 years later...

I'm married.
I teach something I have a passion for.
I'm an LMT, in the making to become a great L. Ac.
I have friends who have become family.
I'm still inspired.

...and I'm still here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blog it out...

Although I normally save this type of occasion for my pen and notebook, I am inspired by the many brave bloggers out there who daily put their hearts, emotions, rants, opinions and aspirations for the universe to indulge in.

I have decided to be brave for a moment, and "blog it out." (Kinda)

This is one of those nights that I wish I was back home in Union City where my [BFFis only a quick drive away, and all I would need to do is call her and she would jump in her car to come and save me.  Instead, here I am on my couch, looking to [Wallyfor comfort, asking him to "please stay." 

The comforting thing is:  I think he understands.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


...better than nothing, right?

I have been in an indecisive slump.  I currently have 5 unfinished posts, and I no longer have the passion for the chosen topics to be able to complete it.  There are also numerous topics of interest swimming around in my head, but I cannot commit to expressing them to my curious audience. Yes, maybe I will one day.. But until then, I have decided that: Something's better than Nothing.

I figured that I would just type.  Type until Something becomes more than Nothing.  I may just be super lazy, or I could be caught up in real, non-blogged life?  Either way, over the past 3 years, my blog and I have been having some major communication issues.

Speaking of Something's... (drum roll, please)

I have entered into the final year of the "twenty-something" life.  *sigh*


A specific demographic group, those aged 20-29.  Often Obama supporters, heavy drinkers, users of urbandictionary.com, students, servers, bartenders, clubgoers, in massive debt yet still optimistic, and believe that they can change the world if they just work together (until they reach the threshold age of 30, when 98% of people realize the futility of their causes).

(taken from www.urbandictionary.com)

Hmm.  After reading that, it's kinda hard to decide whether I'm excited to move on from that twenty-something life, or if I'm dreading entering the cynicism of the 30's?

Attempting to cope with thirty-something coming around the corner, and at the same time, finding comfort in appreciating and leaving my twenty-something life, I came across this:

After years of expensive education
a car full of books, and anticipation
I'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lot
but the world don't needs scholars as much as I thought

Maybe I'll go traveling for a year,
finding myself, or start a career
I could work with the poor, though I'm hungry for fame
we all seem so different, but we're just the same

Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat
all things are easy, with a tight six-pack
who knows the answer, who do you trust
I can't even separate love from lust

Maybe I'll move back home, and pay off my loans,
working nine to five, answering phones
Don't make me live for my Friday nights,
drinking eight pints and getting into fights

I don't want to get up, just let me lie in
Leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething

Maybe I'll just fall in love, that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that's enough
there surely must be more, ooh

Love ain't the answer, nor is work
The truth deludes me so much it hurts,
but I'm still having fun and I guess that's the key,
I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep bein' me

Apparently, there's a fucking song for everything...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Index of Characters: A Mini Guide

Since I blog about life, and those who are in my life...
I have made the decision to abbreviate/nickname the names of my family and friends on my blog.

As some of you know, I am a Bay Area girl who is living in this island (Hawaii) world.. So my friends and family live mostly in one of these two locations, but I may refer to others who have chosen to venture outside those perimeters.

My blogs consist of family, friends, co-workers, and ghosts of Christmas pasts, who have all, in some way (be it positively or negatively) helped to shape the "charming, endearing, awesome and sometimes kind" person that I am today!

To make things less complicated, I have decided to put together a mini-index of those that I refer to.  I will continue to update this guide as more characters added into my adventures!

In order of appearance (for now):

  • PW:   The Hubster.  We met when I first moved to HI in 2001, and we recently got married in August 2008.  He is a cancer survivor (4yrs cancer-free! Praise God!), and an amazing cook who also hogs the television.
  • Tigger:   The (sometimes annoying) little (by one month) brother I never had.  I tend to drag him along on many of my adventures.
  • BFF:  Exactly that.  We have known each other since the 6th grade, and we talk 3-5x a year (I'm working on getting better at that).  We live in different states, different time zones, and have totally different circles of friends.  And regardless of what happens between those talks, she still knows me best. I hate and love that - all at the same time.
  • Wally:  My ever-faithful, big, ball-of-love dog.  He's a toy fox terrier/chihuahua mix, a.k.a. TACO TERRIER.  Such a character...
  • Kuya:  "Kuya" is a filipino term used as a sign of respect to an older male relative, in my case, my brother.  He's 9yrs older, and he pretty much raised me to be the charming, endearing and awesome person that I am :)  No, seriously.. I pretty much owe him my life.
  • Japapino:  My inspirational traveler who has the free spirit to pick up and go whenever he feels compelled to :)  He is Japanese and Filipino (hence the name), and he also happens to be one of my favorite gay friends.  He is a tell-it-like-it-is kinda guy, and I appreciate that.
  • Sweet D:  My fellow blogger and Shokutopia dweller. We share similar loves, such as blogging, Coca-Cola and The Wonder Years. Whatever you do, do not call her a "dork." ;)
  • Ghetto Mocha:  This guy has become my new Bikram accountability partner!  Our thoughts happen to always be on the same wavelength.  It's truly creepy how similar we are... and you know how the saying goes, "Birds of a feather..."

For the Love of Liquid

So.  I've said this several times, to several different people... I LOVE LIQUIDS.
Seriously.  If I were forced to go on a liquid only diet, I could TOTALLY do it.  
I'm not as crazy as I used to be.  When I was still in school, this was my daily regimen:
1 12oz glass of skim milk
1 12oz-16oz glass of orange juice
1 can of coke
1 grande coffee (maybe 2 if it was a rough day)
2-3 liters of water
...and an occasional, 16oz Tropical Awakening from Jamba Juice.
I have definitely toned it down.  I no longer drink milk daily, and the Jamba thing happens only 1-2 times a month.  Maybe.  :)
Anyways, on a coffee break awhile ago, [Tigger] and I decided to go to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
I ordered my usual Hazelnut Latte.. and I decided to try the new Green Apple Breeze thing (which was too sweet for my taste, BTW).  As I'm paying, a pretty bottle catches my eye:  BORBA.  BORBA Skin Balance Water, to be exact.

[photo courtesy of eds]

Sounds interesting, right?  How could I resist??
There were 4 different flavors/areas of concern:
  • Pomegranate = Clarifying, for oily skim
  • Acai = Age Defying, for aging skin and wrinkles
  • Guanabana = Firming, for body/firmness
  • Lychee = Replenishing, for dry skin
I plan to try all 4, so I picked the one closest to me:  Pomegranate.
Here's the lowdown:  (an excerpt from borba.com)

photo taken from www.borba.com
BORBA's skin balance water blends contain an array of exotic fruits, antioxidant ingredients, and essential vitamins and minerals that work in tandem to help improve and protect skin, from the inside out!

When we're young, our skin is mostly comprised of water- giving us a poreless look, softened texture, and firm feel.

As we age, our skin's ability to hold onto water or moisture greatly decreases, revealing visible pores, rougher and dryer skin texture, and a less firm appearance.

Unlike topical skin care products, BORBA Skin Balance Water provides the added healthy benefit of internal hydration.
Sounds like a bunch of CRAP to me.  But it tastes good! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

PW Files, 03.16.2003

My old car ('93 Miata) still lives (is dead) in my garage.  I haven't touched it since I bought my new car over 4yrs ago.  You can only imagine the creepy, crawly things that have now taken residence in my old pimp mobile!  I asked [PW] to do me a HUGE favor:  Go into the car and empty out the glove compartment.  (I was looking for an old insurance card)

It took him 2 days later to actually do it. (I didn't even need the darn insurance card anymore!) But to my delight, this is what he found in my glove compartment:

**This card was dated exactly 1 week before our first kiss**

Hey Eds,

This is a thank you for the memories you have provided me on my thirtieth birthday.  Your gifts are always so thoughtful, I feel that it is an indication of how observant and considerate you are and I wanted to acknowledge that.  (Actually the whole time I have known ya!)  The amount of effort you put into both gifts made me feel appreciated, just imagining you potting the stalks, transporting it in the Miata, carrying it up to the office, and trying to be STEALTH about it all is a third gift you have given me.  That is a memory that I will hold dear, because it is perhaps the cutest I have.  These are very rare and special qualities to have and you have to know that you are a very rare and special person to me.  Although, I have been wondering why you choose to remain less opinionated, mind you it does not detract from your uniqueness, just makes you more coy (adj. shy, demur, affecting shyness, evasive).  I looked it up.  Your listening ability is something I treasure and I will admit that I can't read you as well as you may believe.  I can't even begin to express my gratitude in words, only hope to reciprocate the acts of kindness and provide you with pleasant memories.

Knowing you has enhanced my existence.

Love always
_ _ _ _ _
( [PW] )

Yes, I'm married to him :)  AND he cooks!  Could you blame me for falling for the guy?

Monday, March 30, 2009

To Blog, or not to Blog?

So this is the thing:  I've had this Blogger account since 2006.

It is now 2009, and this is my first Blog.

I have always planned to blog, but could never bring myself to make the commitment.  I mean, do I really have that much to say?  Or, is whatever it is that is on my mind even worth taking up cyberspace?  AND.. do people really care to take the time to tune in and read it?

I have come to my conclusions:

I probably DO have that much to say, but sometimes.. I just don't care to say it?
So...  I will only blog when I feel like it, and not because I feel obligated to.

There are MANY other things out there that definitely are not worthy of the cyberspace they occupy.  If they don't care, then why should I?

I don't think that I care if people tune in.  This is more for ME
And if people
do choose to read... Shoots.