. . . say "AHHH..."
So it's just about a quarter into 2011, and it's time to see where I stand with the promises I made to myself for 2011... (it's a good thing one of those promises wasn't to be a consistent blogger!)
1) Thanks a Latte a little less...
Surprisingly, it seems that I have successfully curbed my Starbucks habit so far. I was lucky enough to be blessed with a little over $100 Starbucks gift cards from Christmas, and when the year began, I loaded $50 of my own money to kick-off my resolution. I am happy to report that I still have a balance of $72 on my card :) A few key factors helped: My Keurig, having REALLY good coffee available at work, and giving up Starbucks for Lent this year (a few more days 'til Easter!).
2) Stretching my comfort zone...
I'm ashamed to say that there has been NO stretching of ANY comfort zone. I keep making excuses and not setting myself up for success. We just started crating Wally, so for awhile that was my excuse for not going after work. My days off I am so exhausted, so my body refuses to get up in the morning. BUT... tomorrow is another day, and hopefully I can get the ball rolling sometime NOW. What's really irritating is that I'm wasting $100 every month when I don't go. You'd think that would be enough motivation, right?? I need an Accountability Partner :(
3) The Great Purge of 2011
When I clean, I tend to make a big mess first. So I'm cleaning things out... but my house is a complete MESS. Seriously. It's terrible. Another problem I'm finding is storage space. My house just doesn't have enough of it. I know, I know... it's a process, but I'm still fighting to get out of the "paralysis by analysis" mode.
Bonus) 10K for a rainy day...
Up until yesterday, I was doing GREAT. I was a little ahead of schedule, and it looked like I was gonna smash the 10K benchmark. Then came TAXES. I didn't anticipate paying $1700 in taxes this year, so now I'm behind. I'm a little bummed, but I think I can make it up in the 2nd half of this year. I just gotta make sure that I stay within budget for my planned trips this year (O.o).
On the other hand...
My Lenten sacrifices have been holding up exceptionally well! This year I chose to give up Starbucks (not only Starbucks coffee, but also coffee cake and anything else inside of Starbucks), soda and my credit card. I did indulge in half of a can of Coke, but it was on a Sunday, and technically that isn't considered cheating :) The most painful (and most proud) moment was purchasing my Indy airfare without using my credit card! Ouch.
Five more days 'til Easter!! Man, I can't wait to have a root beer float...