Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Battle Continues...

. . . and Insomnia is kickin' my ass.

As you may have guessed, OPERATION: Insomnia Sucks! isn't going too well.  I've been feeling under the weather, so I have been catching up on sleep this past week.  I want to say that it has helped tremendously, but then I would be lying.  My cat naps have been during the day, so my nights have been... sleepless.

So here I am, Night #19, it's 2:51am and I'm back at Square One.

Alright.  Maybe curing my insomnia in 30 days was a little ambitious.  You think I can do it in 60? :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Holy crap...

. . . is it really December already?!

Every year, I look back on the holidays and think to myself:  Next year I'm gonna be better prepared 'cuz I don't wanna be one of those stressful "crazies" running around all month.

Although the holidays have completely snuck up on me this year, I am happy to say that I am almost done with my Christmas shopping :) That's pretty impressive --> especially for me, Queen Procrastination... AND considering the fact that I have 20 children to shop for on my list!  INSANE!!

Now my REAL obstacle?  Actually sending out my gifts.  Last year I didn't even send them out.  My family JUST got their Christmas gifts this past October.  I'm terrible.  But this year I am determined to send everything out in time for the Fam Bam Christmas party :)  Judging by my progress so far, it's looking hopeful!

So let me update y'all on OPERATION: I Wanna Wake Up at 4am Every Morning and Not Feel Like Crap...

I tried my best to keep track of all my stats, even though I have been the usual sucky blogger :)  My sleep times have been ranging from as early as 10:30am (usually induced by food coma, example: Thanksgiving) and as late as 2am (thanks to Black Friday online shopping and Cyber Monday deals).

Nights #3, #4 & #5 were looking hopeful... I was waking up around 4:15am every morning. :)
Night #6 I actually fell asleep fairly early (before 11pm)!  But I ended up waking up throughout the night, every 2 hours until I finally got up at 4:30am.  Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED that day at work.
Nights #7 & #8 were close calls!  I completely slept through my alarms!  Actually, let me rephrase that... I don't remember shutting off my alarms and going back to sleep.  Luckily [PW] was nice enough to smack me awake!  If not, I would have been completely screwed.  I think that 10 straight days of work wasn't helping the cause.  My body KNEW that I owed it a day off!  Hahaha...
Night #9 (last night) I don't remember what time I passed out.  It didn't matter 'cuz today was finally my day off :)  No alarms, my body woke me up at 6:13am.  After my initial freak out (What time is it?! What day is it?!  Do I work today?!  Am I sure that I'm off?!), I went back to sleep and finally got up at 10:06am.  :)

I went back to yoga today :)  My body is seriously feeling *blah* and I know that I need to dispense energy in order to gain energy.  The first day is always hard, but I'm feeling much better already...

Seriously.  Could I add any more things to my already full plate??

Oh wait.  We start planning for winter guard tomorrow night.
